“Kedves Gabriella,
Szeretném Veled
megosztani a finnországi incentive-vel kapcsolatos
tapasztalataimat. Az elmúlt évek egyik legélménydúsabb utazásán vettünk részt, nagyon ügyesen
összeválogattátok a programokat,
minden helyszínről a legjavát sikerült választani. Mind látványban, mind élményelemben, mind
szolgáltatásban kiváló minőséget
kaptunk, úgy érzem minden benne volt amit egy 5 napos lappföldi túra során meg lehet szervezni.
Külön köszönöm Judit –szokás
szerinti- türelmességét és rugalmasságát, amire –ismerve a csapatunkat- néha szükség is volt.
Ügyesen, fegyelmezetten kezelte
a helyzeteket, nem éreztette senkivel a magánvéleményét (amit egyébként általában én is osztottam…).
Jó Vele, Veletek utazni,
Morafcsik László
Our tailor-made and unique incentive trips mean a lifetime experience for all participants, and can also inspire them on the long term. The adventures they share will strengthen the team spirit. Would you like your staff to be more enthusiastic, cheerful, more committed to work, helping each other out, and joining forces to achieve a goal? And once there is success, to turn towards new and higher goals easier and faster? To this end, it is imperative for every colleague to feel the strength that lies in the unity of the team and to intensify and develop this strength on a continuous basis.
Our several decades of experience is a guarantee for being able to organise any type of customised trips without difficulty. We would be pleased to provide you with professional advice and to offer you the best possible choice. We love challenges and would be happy to assist you in accomplishing even the craziest ideas. Did you ever have lava-baked breakfast in the desert while watching the magnificent sunrise? Well, we can make this come true.
+36 20 348 6056
+36 70 454 5714
+36 20 406 5334
+36 70 935 3941
If you know the difference between walking around in a Zoo and looking at the animals through a glass wall or a fence, and riding a horse in a thick forest, feeling every movement of the horse ... If you know the difference between watching your favourite sport event from your sofa and being on the field yourself and giving a content wink to your teammate after the winning goal, even if you are exhausted ... And if you can imagine what it is like not just to rush through the famous tourist sights of a distant Asian country, but to go skin-deep and experience the everyday lives of locals for a time ... then you already guess what an incentive trip could mean.